
Key Pharmaceuticals Hamilton For over 90 years Hamilton have developed and manufactured sunscreen and skincare products that provide very high protection for Australia’s harsh climatic conditions. Brand and packaging identity for a range of sunscreen products. Key Pharmaceuticals Hamilton For over 90 years Hamilton have developed and manufactured sunscreen and skincare products that provide very […]


Pharmasales Jelis, eLive and Bundle Pharmasales is dedicated to creating skin and self-care products that combine the power of science with the nurturing properties of natural ingredients, making it easy to incorporate therapeutic pampering into a busy lifestyle.    Brand identity’s for Jelis body care range, eLive moisturising gel and gloves, and Bundle pre and […]


Usana Health Services Inc. USANA In looking at the future, it’s often important to reflect where the organisation has come from. Understanding why the business had begun, its development and the marketplace changes that influenced its history. In determining the direction for the reinvigorated identity programme for the American health services company, numerous starting points […]


Nihon Sieber Hegner K.K. Earfit A Japanese manufacturer of a wide range of industrial hearing products. The brand logotype illustrated the effect of diminishing sound while symbolising the product as the ultimate blockage of noise. Nihon Sieber Hegner K.K. Earfit A Japanese manufacturer of a wide range of industrial hearing products. The brand logotype illustrated […]

TangYouGuanJia (Beijing) Retail

TangYouGuanJia (Beijing) Health ZhiFengTang Development of sub brands and sub brand language for retail products derived from bees. The spirit of the corporate brand was easily adapted for the crystalised honey products. Also, for ZhiFengTang a women’s health care range of products which included specific weight loss product variants. A modified version of the functional […]


Landsteiner Scientific Muukiin Muukiin was a name developed for a new medical and wellness medicinal cannabis brand for distribution to United States Hispanic communities. The translation of the name was derived from the Mexican Mayan language meaning sun and stamina. The brands development embraced the vibrant colours normally associated with many aspects of Mexican culture […]

TangYouGuanJia (Beijing) Health

TangYouGuanJia (Beijing) Health China has over half the world’s diabetic population. TYGJ focused its attention in developing products and programmes that would assist those managing the disease. The disease relates heavily to blood cell management which inspired the brand’s supporting graphic language. The cellular language was pivotal in differentiating and communicating the source of products. […]